Friday, September 25, 2009

Only 1 day left!

In our most recent newsletter, we asked: "Where will you go first when you get to The Word On The Street's 20th festival this weekend?"

If you're looking for any suggestions, consider some of the responses we received...

"I am looking forward to the Cooks N’ Books stage...
(To see some of my favourite cook book authors in action!)"

"The first place I'll head for is the CBC Stage for Stuart McLean and his fabulous storytelling."

"After looking at the program and the exhibitor listing I decided to just go there and let the children's spirit fly to wherever/whatever draws their attention to. "

"#1 Festival To-Do Item: Tiptoe Through the Titles Quiz Show at the CBC Stage"

"I'm going to 2X4 To The Forehead to pick up next year's 365 Reasons Not To Be Bored calendar, because that's what this year's calendar told me to do on Sunday."

"My #1 Festival To-Do Item is heading over to renew or extend subscriptions to my favourite magazines because the deals are incredible."

"1. Network...
2. Enjoy and Experience LOTS of Exposure to the Literary works showcased at the Festival
3. Network some more."

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