Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Word On The Street Canada to launch Margaret Atwood’s new novel!

We are excited to announce that this September, The Word On The Street Canada will launch Margaret Atwood’s highly anticipated new novel, The Year of the Flood!

This will be Canada’s first live coast to coast book launch using LongPen technology and we will broadcast Atwood in person from The Word On The Street Toronto on Sunday, September 27, 2009 at Queen's Park to The Word On The Street festivals in Vancouver and Halifax.

This interactive video broadcast will allow festival participants to engage in a Q&A session with Atwood who will also sign books for fans in Vancouver and Halifax using the LongPen. This amazing technology will allow Atwood to talk with each fan via private video chat and to transmit a genuine, personalized autograph instantly to the interior pages of their copy of the book.

We approached Atwood to participate in a national launch to connect The Word On The Street festivals in a milestone year. The Word On The Street Toronto is holding its 20th festival with Vancouver and Halifax each marking their 15th.

Atwood’s participation in The Word On The Street festivals will begin with a live reading in Kitchener on Saturday, September 26 at the Kitchener Public Library, prior to The Word On The Street festivals on September 27.

"Ever since the first festival in 1990, I look forward to being involved with The Word On The Street. This year, with the LongPen, I can attend festivals in Toronto, Vancouver and Halifax ‐ all on the same day ‐ with my new novel, The Year of the Flood," said Margaret Atwood.

We are so looking forward to this and seeing you at The Word On The Street this September!


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