I collected a lot of business cards at Book Expo.
Clive Barker was there. He is a very famous writer. He wrote a series of books that were later turned into the Hellraiser series of horror films that traumatized me in my youth. It was nice to see him.
There were a lot of free books. I didn't really want any of them. Well...
There was one book on display that I wanted, The Tudors: Collection of Screenplays. The Tudors is a great series on Showtime about Henry the VIII that stars Jonathan Rhys Meyers. I read the first few pages of the book and I just had to have it. The writing was sexy and alive and crackling with wit. To get the book I sort of stalked it all day... seriously... just sort of hung around the Simon and Schuster exhibit like one of those creepy guys you read about. Did it work? Well. I went up to who I thought was the friendliest person at Simon and Schuster and asked if I could take it (even though I wasn't allowed). The friendly old man said yes. He had a copy in his car. He could just use that one for the display. He handed me the book and I was happy. I've already read the whole thing.
I ran into an old friend of mine from high school whom I haven't seen in years. She was sitting by the Scholastic Exhibit. We made eye contact, and I wasn't sure it was her. But then when she said my name and started hugging me I assumed it was her... because who would do that to a stranger?
Her name is Katherine. We worked in theatre together. We also went to Prom together. I have this picture of us bowling after prom (at 3am). I am wearing a wife beater and she is wearing a really nice red dress. We looked like the best couple ever... even though we've never dated. She now works at Stratford. She was at Book Expo through The World's Biggest Bookstore (where she used to work). We talked for an hour (while I was supposed to be looking for boxes to pack our exhibitor table at the end of the day). She is doing well. She looks exactly the same. I wonder if she thought the same thing about me?
She did say that I seemed happy.
Which was nice to hear.
Because everyone wants to appear happy.
My first Book Expo was a great experience. Already looking forward to next year.
Jason Maghanoy
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